CV. Gift Bounty Selling Digital Floor Scales with official and definite warranty in Tangerang Banten Area, we also sell various kinds of digital floor scales from various brands / types, we provide the order according to the size of which we can raft in our own workshop, CV. Kaunia Scales use quality spare parts and with guaranteed guarantee of certainty,
Specification of Floor Scale CAS HD - I
Brand CAS
Type HD - I
Capacity 100kg up to 10.000kg
Dimensions 80 x 80cm / 100 x 100cm / 120 x 120cm / 150 x 150cm / 200x 200cm. can fit the size
For further information please contact at:
082115528125 (WhatsApp)
081287777008 (SMS)
E-mail. [email protected]
[email protected]